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James Goddard Books

About the Author

James Goddard was brought up in Hertfordshire in the UK. His achievements included being a teaching assistant to his dance and judo instructors, being a mentor to work colleagues, getting his black belt in judo after years of hard training and becoming a self-published author (fiction and non-fiction books).
James has written and published some guides on his main website jamesgoddarddancing.wordpress.com
Having written some non-fiction books about dancing and marital arts he then wrote a fiction one about a widow who had just lost her husband and so got a cat for company. The idea of the book is to raise questions in readers’ minds as to whether the husband comes back to visit her in her imagination or real life – if so how, magic?
The non-fiction books are designed to help people to learn ballroom and latin dancing or judo more efficiently. His fiction book was written because he always wanted to write a story. He has ideas for ten books and roughed out some details to write up in detail in future. James hopes people are inspired to take up or improve their dancing and martial art skills. Hopefully his fiction book will bring people some joy.

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